My name is Tina, born and living in Skopje, Macedonia. I am 28 years old life-lover, passionate traveler and workaholic (luckily my profession allows me to enjoy both), dreamer, fashion maniac but not addict, I heart make up - obsessed with it, living in my own world under my rules, hedonist, interested in technology, computer geek, obsessed with my hair, trying to keep healthy living habits...
I like experimenting when it comes to my style, but I always keep that rock image of mine.

Why blogging? 
I decided to start blogging after years of following other bloggers and getting inspiration. Now, I think it's time to share some mine.

Why Stardust Stain? 
Stardust is all over the universe, but at some places forms stains, many luminous grains together shining like a star. And that star shining here on this blog, probably guessing, is me. 

That would be something describing me in general. 
Feel free to ask anything else not mentioned above at starduststain@gmail.com  
I'll be glad to answer.